Penn Hill Group’s Washington Wrap-Up: November 14

Here’s a quick look at the news from last week (November 7-10) in Washington.


The Administration announced the winners of this year’s Investing in Innovation (i3) grant competition. The full list is here.

Monday, November 14 is the deadline for the first round of ESEA waiver request applications to be submitted by states to the Education Department.  11 states have indicated that they will apply in the first round.


Meetings on ESEA reauthorization continue between Committee staff on both sides of the aisle.  It is still unclear if the Committee will be able to pass the remaining portions of ESEA that have not yet been considered by the end of the year.

The House Education & the Workforce’s Subcommittee on Early Childhood and Elementary and Secondary Education will hold a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 16 titled “Education Research: Identifying Effective Programs to Support Students and Teachers.”  Witnesses have not yet been announced.


Senate and House Leaders continue their discussions about how best to complete the FY 2012 appropriations process, including the possibility of bundling together appropriations bills in a series of “minibuses.”  With the Super Committee’s deadline to produce a report looming in November, budget issues are likely to dominate the remaining days of this year’s Congressional calendar.


The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee held a hearing on the Committee-reported version of the Harkin-Enzi ESEA bill on November 8.  Witnesses discussed what they liked and disliked about the bill.