Penn Hill Group can work with you to conceptualize, write and produce high-quality publications. Using our network and extensive experience in the education community, we help pursue a research agenda and develop white papers, reports or other publications that advance your organization’s goals. We can help you sell your policy agenda through advocacy tool kits, fact sheets, Hill and Administration briefing materials, and other documents. We work with the best graphic designers, copy editors and printers to create both physical publications and digital documents. We can provide all of the related materials and leave-behinds you need for public release or small meetings.
Penn Hill Group will keep you informed on the education policy process, politics, grant opportunities, activities and other information on a daily, weekly and as-needed basis.
Federal Education News and Events (daily e-mail)
Fed Ed News and Events is a daily e-mail overview of education news and events. It includes news headlines, congressional hearing and event schedules, Administration news, grant notices, and congressional committee and floor activity.
Washington Wrap Up (weekly e-mail)
Washington Wrap Up is a weekly e-mail that summarizes the previous week’s education-related events from the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate and the Administration. In some cases, the e-mail will also preview upcoming major activity.
Congressional hearing reports, event summaries and issue briefs (as events warrant)
We serve as our clients’ eyes and ears. We report on events ranging from education-related congressional hearings to selected policy events in Washington, DC, so you can devote your time and energy to other, more pressing issues without missing a beat on the very latest in policy. We produce briefs on budget-related news, education regulations and other timely issues.
Specialized issue reports (as events warrant)
We provide in-depth analyses on specialized education topics. Recent analyses include a detailed comparison of Elementary and Secondary Education Act reauthorization bills and key legislation that affects student privacy.