Meet Penn Hill Group’s Summer interns, Akshey Mulpuri and Ben Clatterbuck. Akshey is a Rising Senior at Cornell University majoring in Industrial and Labor Relations. Ben is a Rising Senior at the University of Virginia majoring in Public Policy and Leadership with a minor in Religious Studies. Learn a little bit about each of them below!

Akshey Mulpuri

Why did you decide to spend a semester/summer in DC?

As someone who has always been interested in Federal policy, I knew DC was the place for me. I have spent previous summers in DC and love everything the city has to offer. However, my previous experiences were in the public sector, so I really wanted to work for an organization that works with the private sector before I graduate. The city also has many opportunities to expand my professional network, which I plan to take advantage of.

What do you hope to do or learn during this internship?

I hope to work on issues related to education and AI. I am interested in learning more about how different organizations react to its growing prevalence and how they incorporate it to benefit their members. In addition, the U.S. currently does not have a national policy on AI and so I hope to learn more about what work the government is doing to protect students from its harms, while allowing them to also make use of AI’s amazing capabilities.

What interests you most about education?

I find the workforce-side of education most interesting, specifically public-private collaboration to help fill gaps in employment. Additionally, I am also interested in how organizations partner with educational institutions to create upskilling programs to help their workers adapt to evolving labor force demands.

What are some of your future goals?

After graduating, I hope to spend some time on the Hill and then attend law school. I am interested in workforce development policy, so I would focus on employment and labor law in law school. After that, I would hope to reenter the policy space.

Ben Clatterbuck

Why did you decide to spend a semester/summer in DC?

With the goal of working in public policy, I’ve always felt that DC would be a natural place to land after graduation. I hoped that being here this summer would provide better insight into the day-to-day realities of living and working in the capital. Coming from a smaller, more rural part of Virginia, this summer has been a great chance to experience life in a bigger city.

What do you hope to do or learn during this internship?

I was drawn to interning with Penn Hill Group because of its bipartisan focus. With education policy becoming increasingly polarized, interning here has given me the unique opportunity to work with and learn from people with extensive experience on both sides of the aisle. While studying public policy has familiarized me with Federal policymaking, seeing how the PHG team navigates political dynamics and nuances to support clients’ needs has given me a better idea of how the process is shaped in practice. This experience has broadened my perspective and solidified my interest in working in a bipartisan manner to drive change.

What interests you most about education?

Growing up with both parents working in public schools, my family’s conversations often revolved around our experiences in the classroom. I saw how issues that affected me as a student also impacted my parents’ ability to teach and support students’ growth. Given this background, I have long known that I wanted to be involved in education policy and advocate for including school-level stakeholders, such as teachers, in the policymaking process.

What are some of your future goals?

After graduation, I want to continue making an impact on education. Whether through teaching or working in policy, I hope to improve the educational experiences of both teachers and students. The skills and knowledge that I’ve gained throughout the summer with Penn Hill Group will undoubtedly contribute to my ability to advocate for and implement meaningful change effectively.